Friday, January 18, 2019

Blog Post 1 - Introduction

Hello! My name is Lisset Holt. I live in Camdenton, MO with my husband and two daughters (11 and 4). My husband and I, both work full time and go to school online full time, so our days can become a little hectic. We try to make as much time to spend with our girls; even if it is just sitting at the dinner table to enjoy a good meal and conversation or cuddling on the couch to watch a movie together. They understand we have a lot going on at the moment but it is important to pause, even for just a short while to enjoy them. 

I currently work as a Paraprofessional at Oak Ridge Intermediate. I started last school year as a Title I Para, working with students who needed help with reading comprehension. This year, I was moved into the Computer Lab, although I am still considered a Para, I am basically the computer lab teacher for the entire school. This has been quite an experience and extremely helpful in allowing me to build my classroom management skills (though much still needs to be improved) and learning all about implementing technology in the classroom. I will admit, not having any prior training in a large classroom, was quite intimidating at first; but once I found what worked for me, it has become a bit easier. I am, however, thrilled to be taking this class as I know it will help me develop the skills I am lacking. Unfortunately, I am not going to be in the classroom very much longer as I will be transitioning into another position within the district. I will be working as an Interpreter for families of students who do not speak English. 

I started my journey back in school with the intentions of becoming an English teacher. Once I started working for the school district, I saw the need for more EL teachers, as the non-English speaking population continues to grow. This made me reevaluate my goals and at this time I would love to pursue teaching English as a second language. It still falls under the realm of my original plan, just in a different form. I was really excited to be presented with the opportunity to serve as the Interpreter for our school district as I believe this will help me in transitioning into an EL teacher later down the line. 


  1. Lisset,
    I think it is wonderful that you do find time to spend time with your family. I run into the same issue with my husband. He works full time I go to school full time, it seems like some days it is hard to catch a break. We as well enjoy eating a meal together and watching a movie time to time. Its hard when life is so full and busy! I was actually a title I para as well, personally I loved it and I am planning on becoming a specialist now because of it! I think in this modern day knowing as much as possible about technology and how to work it in the classroom is very important. I really enjoyed reading your post, I wish you best of luck this semester!!

  2. Lisset,

    It is so nice to meet you! It sounds like you and your family are really busy, but I am glad you see that it is so important to spend time together. It is sometimes really hard to juggle everything we have going on in our lives, but at the end of the day family is so important. It sounds like you are getting some really great experience in the school district and I think it is awesome that you keep moving up and making more opportunities for yourself. It truly makes me happy that you have a goal and you are chasing after it! Good luck on everything!

