Friday, January 25, 2019

Blog 2 - The ABCD's of Writing Objectives

When writing learning objectives for our lessons, a great guide for writing a thorough objective is the ABCD method of writing objectives. This method allows us to remember the key elements to keep in mind for our lessons by focusing on our audience, the behavior we want them to perform, the condition that will be provided, and of course the degree in which we want the objective to be performed. 

For instance. let's say I want my daughter to start setting the table, I have shown her how to do it several times and expect her to be able to set it properly. My objective would read as follows: Given previous examples, Celeste will be able to set the table for dinner with 100% accuracy. 

Audience = Celeste 
Behavior = Set the table for dinner
Condition = Previous examples
Degree = 100% 


  1. Lisset,

    I really like the picture that you added to your post that is super cute and I might have to use that picture in the future! I think that the ABCDs of objectives is a very helpful method to remember when writing objectives. I also, think the objective that you presented is great! I remember setting the table when I was growing up and I am so glad that my parents showed me how to properly set a table!
    Great Job!

  2. Lisset,
    I agree with Rylee I love the picture, it was very helpful. I also really like how you told us each of the parts of your objective. I think that is something I need to do so I can visually see what each part is and make sure I have them all. I think the ABCD rule will be something I use for a while in the field of education. I think its a great tool to have in my tool box :)
    Great work!

  3. That's a cute poster! I felt so grown up when my mom taught me to set the table. She taught me to always use placemats or a tablecloth and to have some kind of decoration (flowers, candle or art) and always let me be creative with it. I came up with some doozies.!
