Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Blog Post 6 - Assessments

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My unit is based around reading comprehension and learning to interpret texts. There are various opportunities throughout the different lessons to assess the students' understanding of the material. Below are some of the formative assessments I was planning to implement in my unit plan: 

1. Analyzing Student Work - Reviewing students' work after an assignment is a great way to see if students understand the lesson and this can be performed throughout the whole unit. It also allows us to help with the areas that students need additional support in.  

2. Strategic Questioning - this can be done during class discussions, teacher poses a higher-order question and students answer. I was planning of doing this using a tool called Flipgrid, this tool allows students to respond to the questions from their computers and displays the top answers on the Smartboard. This is a great way to allow more students to participate and see which students need further instruction without them feeling embarrassed for answering incorrectly. 

3. 3-Way Summaries - this works really well with the lesson as students will need to be able to summarize parts of a story in order to identify the main points. 

4. Creative Extension Projects - For one of the lessons, I was planning to have students work on their own graphic organizers to show if they understand the order of elements throughout a story. Another idea, was to have students use kinesthetic movements to show how the different aspects of the story work. As a final project I was thinking of having students create a book trailer based on their favorite book, the trailer will need to include all the main elements that make up a story. It would summarize the book enough that the person looking at the trailer would know what happens in the story without reading it. For this project, students would use WeVideo as it allows them to use pictures, music, slides, and more to create their every own video. 

I'm still working on my unit plan and some of these may change, but so far I thought these would be great methods to use for formative assessment. Even though I am planning on teaching ELA, I really want to incorporate the use of technology in my classroom, as I feel that is an important skill for our students to possess. 


  1. Lesset,
    Every time I see the pictures it makes me giggle a little in a positive way, I enjoy seeing them! So far it looks like you have some great ideas for your unit plan. I did reading comprehension for second grade for another class and I enjoyed coming up with as many engaging lesson plans that I could. This time I wanted to do something I would find difficult, because I feel like a challenge in education makes the person a better teacher. I really like the idea you have for graphic organizers. I think has the classroom changes we will need to have more technology in the room.
    Great Job!! I am sure your assessments will be wonderful!

  2. Lisset,

    It sounds like your unit plans are coming right along. I really like these ideas of assessments. A lot of students struggle with comprehension and personally I think that would be hard to asses. I really like all of your ideas, I think they would be great ways to properly asses your students. They are also creative and the students are not just reading a passage and then answering multiple choice questions.

    Great post,

  3. For the type of unit you are doing, I agree that this is the best course for your assessment plan. Create the questions you will ask for your Unit.
