Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Blog Post 5 - Bloom's Taxonomy

When doing research about Bloom's Taxonomy, the model below resonated well with me. I found the model on a blog post created by Lynn Lease, PhD. Along with the model she included some interesting details on Bloom's Taxonomy and ways to implement this model when writing learning objectives. This was also another resource that covers "beginning with the end in mind". Like anything we encounter when we visualize the end result we want to accomplish, we can draw up the necessary steps to get to the finish line. And that is an important element to remember when writing learning objectives - what do we want our students to be able to accomplish at the end of the lesson? What are they going to learn? How are we going to teach them? What materials and resources are we going to provide them with? By applying the Bloom's Taxonomy method when writing our learning objectives we are assigning one word that will meet the level of expertise we want our students to reach after the lesson. From there we know the degree of resources and materials we want to provide to teach the lesson. Maybe at the beginning of a Unit Plan we are aiming for students simply to understand certain concepts but by the end of the Unit Plan they should be at a level were they are able to create a project or assignment based on what they have learned throughout the entire lesson. 

My favorite part of the model below is that it provides us with those keywords that we want to include when writing learning objectives, based on the level of mastery we want our students to be at by the end of the lesson. 

Bloom's Taxonomy.png


Lease, L. (2016, June 20). Bloom's Taxonomy – Teaching, Learning ... - Lynn Lease, PhD. Retrieved February 13, 2019, from


  1. Lisset,
    I love how much research you did on the picture you found! That was a very interesting post to read. I am glad you found one that was so helpful for you. I really like all the information that it provides for the reader. I also enjoyed that it is helpful for writing objectives which I find difficult! I like that it also has helpful verbs so the teacher can find works in the section to be able to relate to each box easier.
    Great Work!

  2. Lisset,
    I love the model that you found! I really like the Blooms Taxonomy model. When writing our lesson plans I think this model will help a lot it is neat to really match and relate the words with each category.
    Great Post!

  3. This is a great model! This is why I assign this, you all find the best models!
