Thursday, February 7, 2019

Blog Post 4 - Madeline Hunter Lesson Plan Design

The Madeline Hunter lesson plan design puts together all the pieces needed to create an engaging and successful lesson for students. Each piece of the plan design revolves around the lesson objective, all fitting perfectly together like puzzle pieces to make up the lesson. 

  1. Anticipatory Set: This serves as the "hook" that will be used to draw students in. 
  2. Objective & Purpose: What will be provided for students so that may learn a specific lesson and be able to perform it at a specific level. 
  3. Input: How the lesson will be presented to students. This can be done by various methods. 
  4. Model: We demonstrate how we perform a specific task, so that students may see how they will do it. 
  5. Check for Understanding: Asking students questions about the material learned. To see whether we need to provide further insight or move on. 
  6. Guided Practice: We have students perform a specific task while we monitor to ensure they are doing it correctly. 
  7. Independent Practice: Students work independently. 
  8. Closure: This serves as a final check for understanding, where we see if students meet the objective successfully. 
I think all parts of the plan design are important as they all work together towards providing a complete and in depth lesson to help in teaching students what they need to learn. It is a very thorough way to ensure that we, as teachers, are hitting all the areas necessary to engage students in the material and ensure they are understanding what is being taught.

As far as what might be difficult for me, goes back to the same task discussed when talking about unit planning - which is the input part of the lesson plan. Determining what the best source to present the material to students would be the most difficult for me. As I would like to ensure that it is something that students will find interesting and engaging. Although the material itself is important for them to learn, it is also important that they develop the skills to learn. And this can only be done with inspiration; if students are inspired then they are more likely to retain the material.


  1. Lisset,

    I love the organization of this post, from the picture to each element in our lesson plan that needs to be provided with a description for each of them. I agree with you that each element is important to helping the students in the classroom and by having a strong lesson plan we are capable of not only keeping the students engaged but as well as keeping good behavior in the classroom. I think the more we look at lesson plans and the more that we have to write them the better we will become as teachers for our future students. I know we all struggle in different areas but it
    will come to you in due time, not to worry.

    Great post!

  2. Lisset,

    I enjoyed reading your post on Madeline Hunters Lesson Plan model, I also loved the picture you attached. I think it is important to include all parts of her design so that they fit together and connect perfectly and that is exactly what that picture shows. I too would have to agree that it will be hard to come up with lesson plans that engage the students and are creative enough to where the student is actually excited to learn. There will always be boring standards, but as long as we can be creative in the way we teach them then maybe the students will retain more of the material.

    Good luck on the rest of your lesson planning!
