Friday, April 19, 2019

Blog Post 14: Unit Plan Presentations

I must admit the unit plan was definitely something that required a lot of time, organization and very detailed planning. 

After hearing everyone's responses to the questions regarding our unit planning, it seems like the main concern was piecing it all together. For the most part, everyone wondered what the correct order to teach the lessons would be so that students have the best opportunity for learning. It was also exciting to see that everyone was looking forward to using their unit plans in their future classrooms. As stated earlier, it was definitely something that takes a lot of time to plan, and I believe that we all went into it not just as another assignment for school but with the mind set that one day this would be presented to our students. This was a real life exercise for us and even though it was a lot of work and at times difficult to get it all together, as we continue to work on our units and as we gain experience it will not be such a task. I look forward to being able to teach my unit in a classroom. And I already have things I want to tweak and improve. 

1 comment:

  1. I was so excited to read these units. You can tell there was a lot of thinking going on here. They are incredible.
